Selasa, 22 April 2014


                               This Event is happpennnneddd at Looooooong Time ago,at 2014 B.D.Trip to the place was used Bus,4 hourssssssss destination.After arrived we had an ceremony.Alhamdulilllah,unthinkable I was choosed to read Kalam ilahi and I read Ar-Rahman,Bi iznillah I read it without any trouble.5 minutes after,we lunch and then pray zuhur and asr.The break after.The beach-view was suhaaaanaallah.It remind me that Allah is Al-Malik,Al-kabir,Al-qowiy wa Al-Azhim.

                                But at Maghrib after wet-wetan and play water-wateran,I was so depressed.So many Ikhwanii lastu sobbar for antree to take bath.They bath together and walk arround with only wear u**r***r and short pant.I close my eyes and Istighfaring.The situation is very bad the floor is very dirty,crowded while someone cook indomie.

                               And the next is pray maghrib and isya jama’ qosor.Alhamdulillah its very ni’mah and beautiful,subhanallah.The next event is only dinner and Drama.My group was the last,I don’t now why!!!my group had been so sleepy and epic fail,the blood(red food coloring) plastic is didn’t explode but thoriq explode the blood at my body so the shirt and my  arm wet of  food coloring.Thank you for your attention,Assalamualaikum wr.wb

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